Keeping your swimming pool clean and healthy is essential for you and your family to enjoy it. To do this, you must use chemicals to eliminate bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause illnesses. Here are the steps to properly use chemicals in your swimming pool:
1. Test the pool water
Before adding any chemicals, you must test the water in your swimming pool to determine the pH, alkalinity and chlorine levels. This will help you decide which type of chemical and how much you need to add. The ideal pH of the pool water should be between 7.2 and 7.6, the alkalinity should be between 80 and 120 ppm and the chlorine should be between 1 and 3 ppm. If the levels are not within the recommended range, you must add the appropriate chemical to adjust them.
2. Add the chemicals
Once you have determined the amount of chemicals needed, you can begin adding them to the pool. It is important to add the chemicals slowly and in small doses. Start by adding them at the edge of the pool, away from the skimmer, and in a way that the chemical does not come into contact with people in the pool. Once the chemical has been added, wait at least 15 minutes before adding the next one.
3. Shock the pool
Shock treatment is a process that helps eliminate bacteria, algae and other microorganisms from the pool water. To do this, you must add a chlorine-based product, such as calcium hypochlorite, to the pool. The amount of product you need to add depends on the size of the pool, so it is best to consult a professional to determine the amount you need. Once the product has been added, wait at least 24 hours before using the pool.
4. Balance the water
Once the shock treatment has been completed, you must balance the water in your swimming pool. This means that you must adjust the pH, alkalinity and chlorine levels of the pool water to their ideal values. To do this, you must add the appropriate chemicals. It is important to do this step correctly, as an imbalance in the water can cause irritation to the skin and eyes of people in the pool.
5. Maintain the water balance
Once the water has been balanced, you must maintain the levels in order to keep your pool clean and safe. To do this, you must regularly test the water and add chemicals as needed. You should also check the filter and skimmer basket to ensure they are working properly. Finally, you should use an algaecide regularly to prevent the growth of algae in the pool.
Following these steps will help you keep your swimming pool clean and safe for you and your family to enjoy. Remember to always use chemicals carefully and according to the instructions, and to consult a professional if you have any doubts.