¿Por qué se pone turbia el agua de la piscina?


Maintaining a clean and healthy swimming pool is essential to enjoy it. Unfortunately, at some point, the water can become cloudy. The causes are diverse, but in this article we will explain why this happens and how to solve it.

What Causes the Pool Water to Cloud Up?

The water of the pool can become cloudy for several reasons, but the most common are:

Organic Matter

Organic matter such as leaves, insects, and even sweat can enter the pool and cause it to cloud up. This is because these particles are very small and are difficult to filter.

Chemical Imbalance

The balance of chemicals in the pool is essential to maintain its cleanliness. If the pH is too high or too low, the water can become cloudy.


Bacteria can also cause the pool water to cloud up. This can happen if the pool is not properly maintained and cleaned regularly.

How to Fix a Cloudy Pool

Once you have identified the cause of the cloudy water, it is time to take action. Here are some tips to help you fix a cloudy pool:

1. Clean the Pool

If the cause of the cloudiness is organic matter, you should clean the pool thoroughly. This means skimming the surface, vacuuming the bottom, and brushing the walls and steps.

2. Test the Water

You should test the water regularly to make sure the pH and other chemical levels are balanced. If the pH is too high or too low, you should add the appropriate chemicals to balance it.

3. Shock the Pool

If the cause of the cloudiness is bacteria, you should shock the pool with chlorine or other sanitizing chemicals. This will kill any bacteria and help clear up the water.

4. Filter the Water

If the pool is still cloudy after shocking it, you should filter the water. This will help remove any particles that are still in the water and clear it up.


Cloudy pool water can be a nuisance, but with a little knowledge and effort, you can easily fix it. Make sure to clean the pool regularly, test the water, shock the pool, and filter the water if necessary. With these tips, you can enjoy a clear and sparkling pool in no time!

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