¿Que se regula primero el pH o el cloro?

What to Regulate First: pH or Chlorine?

Maintaining the right balance of pH and chlorine levels in a pool is essential for swimmers’ safety and the longevity of the pool itself. Knowing which of these two to regulate first is essential for any pool owner.

Chlorine is the main chemical used to sanitize and disinfect a pool, killing bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. It also helps to prevent algae growth, and makes sure that the pool water is safe for swimming. The ideal chlorine level for a pool is between 1 and 3 ppm (parts per million).

On the other hand, pH is a measure of how acidic or basic a substance is. For a pool, the ideal pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6. A pH level lower than 7 is acidic, while a pH level higher than 7 is basic.

How to Regulate pH and Chlorine Levels

Regulating pH and chlorine levels can be a complicated process. It’s important to first test the water for its pH and chlorine levels, and then adjust accordingly.

Adjusting Chlorine Levels

If the chlorine levels are too low, the pool owner can add chlorine tablets or liquid chlorine to the pool. If the chlorine levels are too high, the pool owner can use a chlorine neutralizer or reduce the amount of chlorine they are adding to the pool.

Adjusting pH Levels

If the pH levels are too low, the pool owner can add pH increaser to the pool to raise the pH levels. If the pH levels are too high, the pool owner can add pH reducer to the pool to lower the pH levels.

Which to Regulate First?

When it comes to regulating pH and chlorine levels, it’s important to know which to regulate first. Generally, it is best to regulate the pH levels first. This is because chlorine is more effective at killing bacteria and other microorganisms when the pH levels are within the ideal range. If the pH levels are too high or too low, the chlorine will not be as effective.

Once the pH levels are within the ideal range, the chlorine levels can then be adjusted accordingly. This ensures that the pool water is safe for swimming, and that the chlorine is effective at killing bacteria and other microorganisms.


Regulating pH and chlorine levels in a pool is essential for swimmers’ safety and the longevity of the pool itself. Knowing which of these two to regulate first is essential for any pool owner. Generally, it is best to regulate the pH levels first, as chlorine is more effective at killing bacteria and other microorganisms when the pH levels are within the ideal range. Once the pH levels are within the ideal range, the chlorine levels can then be adjusted accordingly.

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